Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Speeding back to Black Watch, on main Amazon tanker. Pacoval
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Forest is richer in palms and lianas, than tree ferns and cis fern plants
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Eichornia with floats. American frogbit, Limnobium stoloniferum. Redhills Jamaica, Amazon. 1964
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Eichornia crassipes. No floats. Cerf Island Seychelles and Amazon, where native no problem.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pistia stratiotes, River lettuce, Water cabbage. Mona, Kingston, Jamaica and River Amazon.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Zebu cattle. Amazon
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Water buffalo emerging from river. Curua-Una
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Water buffalo calves. Curua-Una
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Young buffalo herd boys, Cattle egrets
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Buffalo herders house on stilts. Curua-Una
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Amazon moth. Anchor shaped tail. November 2000
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Amazon moth. Most abundant kind. Amazon delta
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
2 big river boats nose inshore. Curua-Una, 2000
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
River boat, Aroids, Eichornia and man with piranha
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Garlic vine, Mansoa alliacea or Bignoniaceae. Barbados. 2000
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Aquatic Aroids, Montrichardia arborescens and Water hyacinth. Curua-Una
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Canoe fisherman shows a Red piranha. Strong teeth.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Dappled sunshine in flooded forest. Contorted trunks = strangling figs. Curua-Una
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Little boy with banded black and yellow fish.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Buttressed grand gommier. Grand Etang. Grenada. As stood firm in 1955 hurricane but lost twigs. Alter do Chao, Amazon. Dacrytes excelsa, gum
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Climbing philodendron above Soufriere, Saint Lucia and Alter do Chao. Amazon
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Bromeliad. Purple bracts corkscrew. Florida, as Amazon jungle. Clematis as Boca de Valeria, Amazon
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Tree termites nest and cistern plant in legume tree. Bath Gardens. 1967
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Covered way to termites nest. Bath Gardens. 1967
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Riverside stilted outlier of Pacoval village on hill.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Boat building. Pacoval village. Circa half way to Manaus.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
No mod cons but a TV dish! Pacoval offshoot.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Pacoval village children come to meet the boat.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Portuguese catholic church, Pacoval hill village.
Mary Gillham Archive Project:
Fish drying. Turtle shell. Pacoval