Mary Gillham Archive Project: West Staffa across McKinnons Cove, 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Puffin II off Staffa, landing near cave. 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: View of north Staffa rough terrain. Ends of columns. View of Tiree (left) and Coll, 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Clinker above Ship Cave is columnar still. See T. S. southeast Staff, west of Fingal
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ends of lava columns on southwest Staffa, 1987. Two plantains
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Staffa north east end from boat. August 1968. Sheep tracks
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Staffa Cairn. View north to Mull. 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Gully by Fingals Cave. Staffa. 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: West end of Staffa's central rift. May 1987. Different undercutting. Bay north of McKinnons Cave
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Mountain everlasting male and female. Staffas basalt, 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Grey lag goose and rabbit dung. Staffa, 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Gull remains. Goose dung. Catsfoot tormentil, Staffa, May 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Goose dung and celandines. Staffa Island. 1987
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Roseroot in chimneys of basalt. Eilean an Tigue. Shiants
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Guillemots below fulmars. Eilean Mhuire. Shiants
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Atlantic seals and razorbills on sea. Shiants. Hebrides.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Galtachean. Different angles on columnar basalt. Shiant Islands
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Arch through vertical tertiary lava. Shiants. Garbh Eilean
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Galtachean the western outliers of the Shiant Is
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Shiants. Geology map
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Looking to Carnach, north of Tarbert, Harris en route to the Shiants
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Shiants. Puffinry of north Garbh Eilean. 1985
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Shiants. Boat off beach connecting the two islands. View to Eilean Mhaire in north
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Jan, Mary, Eileen by cairn. Eilean an Tigue. Shiants. 1985
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Xanthoria scree and arch. North east end. Garbh Eilean. Shiants.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Bird cliffs. Eilean Mhuire. Shiants from the sea. 1985
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Sheep and old lazy beds. Eilean an Tigue. Shiants
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Aspen on inland cliff. Eilean an Tigue. Shiants. 1985
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Violets, ling. Upper inland cliff Eilean an Tigue, Shiants