Mary Gillham Archive Project: Latham Island. Sparse vegetation fringe. Most killed by birds
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Light booby pressure and vegetation regeneration after heavy booby pressure. Wizard.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Booby. Chick on each foot (as eggs) No brood patch (as Gannets) Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Xylocarpus granatum, beach Wizard Island, Cosmoledo. Or Xylocarpus molluscensis.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 2 Frigates and 2 Boobies off Wizard Island, Cosmoledo.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Greater Frigate bird swooping on Wizard Island booby.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Boobies exhibit aggression not fear to Goan. Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: 2 species of booby on Wizard Island. Masked on grassy knoll, Red-footed on Avicennia mangroves
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red-footed Booby in mangrove. Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red-footed Booby on high nest. Avicennia. Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Group of young brown Red-footed Boobies in Wizard Island, white mangroves. February 13th
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Juvenile Red-footed Boobies which turn brown then mottled then white. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Red-footed Booby in low Pemphis nest, Thespesia populnea. Wizard Island, Cosmoledo
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Explosion of juvenile brown Red-footed Boobies. Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Young juvenile and adult Red-footed Boobies. Wizard Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Wizard Island, Cosmoledo. Rocky beach. Marginal scrub. Dunes beyond.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Cleome strigos (stricta) Capparidaceae. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Ipomea pes caprae, Euphorbia prostrata, Boerhavia. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Tribulus terrestris, Achyranthes aspera. Pagoda Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Airbourne booby reaches up to poke molesting frigate, Wizard
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Tribulus sp. Big and small species on Pagode
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Encroachment of Boerhavia on Blue-footed Booby nest. Pagoda Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Adult and chick Blue-footed Booby, Achyranthes, Acalypha. Pagoda Island
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Wizard Island, Masked Booby vegetation. Dead Dactyloctenium grass regeneration, Euphorbia, Tribulus, Portulaca, Boerhavia and Cucurbitaceae. Red-footed Booby, Cordia behind. February 13th
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Booby's eggs. No nest. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Boobies, Wizard Island, among regenerated herbs and semi shrubs
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Booby waves bill in defense of two young chicks. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Masked Booby on eggs. Boerhavia, Portulaca, Achyranthes Euphorbia. Wizard Island.
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Boobies in clearing of coastal scrub. Wizard Island, Cosmoledo Atoll
Mary Gillham Archive Project: Wizard Island. Masked Booby colony. Fringe of Tournefortia argentea