Mary Blathwayt: Windy start from the Swan
Mary Blathwayt: Waiting for the start
Mary Blathwayt: Off to a flying start
Mary Blathwayt: Windy start
Mary Blathwayt: 1966 Three Rivers Race from Horning Ferry
Mary Blathwayt: A motley crew
Mary Blathwayt: Half Deckers starting the Three Rivers race
Mary Blathwayt: Marianne
Mary Blathwayt: Marianne
Mary Blathwayt: Crystal in the Three Rivers Race
Mary Blathwayt: The end of the race
Mary Blathwayt: preparing to shoot the bridge
Mary Blathwayt: Conversation with the spectators!
Mary Blathwayt: Brian Mallett 1972
Mary Blathwayt: between the bridges at Potter
Mary Blathwayt: Lucky Rebel
Mary Blathwayt: Crystal passing Horning Vicarage
Mary Blathwayt: The end at last
Mary Blathwayt: Speckled Wood from Horning Vicarage
Mary Blathwayt: The start of the race
Mary Blathwayt: White sails in the sunset
Mary Blathwayt: Three Rivers Race 2012