Mary Blathwayt: My great grandfather and his children
Mary Blathwayt: Alfred Thrower and his wife Jane
Mary Blathwayt: Unknown boy
Mary Blathwayt: Victoria Kate Thrower c 1887
Mary Blathwayt: Victoria Kate Thrower c 1900
Mary Blathwayt: Victoria Kate Cole and Elsie c1902
Mary Blathwayt: Stanley Cole with his sister Elsie c 1905
Mary Blathwayt: Elsie Cole c 1903
Mary Blathwayt: Stanley Cole and ? c 1905
Mary Blathwayt: Victoria Kate Cole nee Thrower
Mary Blathwayt: My grandfather
Mary Blathwayt: Grandfather's indentures date 1886
Mary Blathwayt: Indentures for Rosa Sarah Delves
Mary Blathwayt: Horning celebrating the Coronation in 1937
Mary Blathwayt: Horning School in 1911
Mary Blathwayt: Mary and Stanley Cole c1954
Mary Blathwayt: Stanley Cole 1934
Mary Blathwayt: Stanley Cole with his car taken in the late 1940s
Mary Blathwayt: Stanley Cole in his garden
Mary Blathwayt: Geoffrey Cole in his Metropolitan Police uniform
Mary Blathwayt: Wedding of Geoffrey Cole and Sylvia Frankish c 1952
Mary Blathwayt: Me a little while ago
Mary Blathwayt: Unknown family group
Mary Blathwayt: unknown c1860