mbtphoto (away a lot): A for Adam by Elizabeth Thomas
mbtphoto (away a lot): E is for Ethan by Elizabeth Thomas
mbtphoto (away a lot): Crystal Garden Time
mbtphoto (away a lot): Catching Up Mark Earnhardt
mbtphoto (away a lot): Bailey, Ethan, Adam and Laurel with Crystall Garden
mbtphoto (away a lot): Good Times at the Earnhardts Christmas Eve
mbtphoto (away a lot): Ethan and Adam
mbtphoto (away a lot): Ethan looks to Adam for Direction
mbtphoto (away a lot): Good Ole Molly hanging out under Christmas Tree
mbtphoto (away a lot): Bailey starts unwrapping
mbtphoto (away a lot): Bailey Ethan and Laurel crystal garden making
mbtphoto (away a lot): Andrew with his girls
mbtphoto (away a lot): Andrew likes his heritage gift from Aunt Mary Granddaddys Walking Stick
mbtphoto (away a lot): Andrew gets his shot
mbtphoto (away a lot): Andrew capturing Ethan and Adams' Rock Star Gift
mbtphoto (away a lot): Amy, Jenni and Laurel received Stockings
mbtphoto (away a lot): Amy Wonderful Hat
mbtphoto (away a lot): Plenty of photos taken that night
mbtphoto (away a lot): Mom Melissa waits to see what Bailey received
mbtphoto (away a lot): Mom Jo helps open a difficult package
mbtphoto (away a lot): Molly wonders when they will tire of this game
mbtphoto (away a lot): Molly seems a little down about the Rock Band
mbtphoto (away a lot): Melissa and the Bailey Family Bible
mbtphoto (away a lot): Melissa and Bailey
mbtphoto (away a lot): Liz loves her heritage ring from Aunt Mary
mbtphoto (away a lot): Liz and Andrew cooking our dinner
mbtphoto (away a lot): Kids Never Sit Still