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Weaver and his Wife
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Hot Glass Demo #2 Penland 2007
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Hot Glass Demo 2007 Penland
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Hot Glass Demo Penland School of Crafts
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Downtown Arts District_Winston-Salem_NC_USA_First Friday Gallery Hops Fire DancersWhoosh
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Downtown Arts District_Winston-Salem_NC_USA_First Friday Gallery Hops Fire DancersRoundRoundRound3
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Downtown Arts District_Winston-Salem_NC_USA_First Friday Gallery Hops Fire DancersRoundRoundRound2
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Downtown Arts District_Winston-Salem_NC_USA_First Friday Gallery Hops Fire DancersRoundRoundRound
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Studios at 625 A Man and His Toys
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Studios at 625 Eric Harris Former Studio Metalsmith
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Inner Outer Jodie's Holga Penland
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Mary Bailey Thomas Studios at 625
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Davidson County Schools Summer Art Institute 1988 Mary Bailey Thomas Lead Instructor
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Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts Gatlinburg Tenn USA around 1991 Mary Bailey Thomas Watercolor Workshop
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Studio @ 625 Artist painting
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Painting at Studios at 625
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Art Studio @ 625 Dec 2007 painting
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Practicing at the Dye Shed
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Merry Moor Winnett My Late Mentor
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Ms.Thomas loves doing Teacher Workshops
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Twirling with Fire
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Dancing Fire Twins
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Marta's_Creative_Hands_Inner Outer Penland
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Weaver sepia toned
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Jodi the Best Assistant Inner Outer Penland
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True Making An Offering
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Creating Collage Blindfolded Marta and Teresah Helping Inner Outer Penland
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Clarissa Sligh Inner Outer Class Penland School of Crafts