Mary-Heather: jacksonville christmas tree
Mary-Heather: ed checking his stocking
Mary-Heather: inspecting the goodies
Mary-Heather: whatever mike got, it was funny
Mary-Heather: kids reflection; listening to ed
Mary-Heather: "the kids" on christmas morning
Mary-Heather: christmas dinner
Mary-Heather: helping ourselves
Mary-Heather: ed and mom on christmas morning
Mary-Heather: mom, ed, and rusty
Mary-Heather: mom knitting
Mary-Heather: rusty napping in the sunbeam
Mary-Heather: mike and rusty
Mary-Heather: mike and rusty... napping!
Mary-Heather: brian, mike, and rusty. napping.
Mary-Heather: granddaughter and grandfather, napping
Mary-Heather: ed, mike, and rusty, napping.
Mary-Heather: napping, knocked out, snoozing.
Mary-Heather: me and mom... napping.
Mary-Heather: mom napping, mh knitting
Mary-Heather: brian and rusty, napping.
Mary-Heather: brian, mike, and ed (napping)
Mary-Heather: brian waking up
Mary-Heather: ed and brian contemplate fence options
Mary-Heather: mike at work
Mary-Heather: mike's painting
Mary-Heather: ed, roberta, and mike; studying mike's painting
Mary-Heather: fountain in st. augustine
Mary-Heather: mom walking ahead
Mary-Heather: st augustine courtyard