faithfulone1983: DSC_0077
faithfulone1983: DSC_0079
faithfulone1983: DSC_0106
faithfulone1983: DSC_0129
faithfulone1983: DSC_0134
faithfulone1983: DSC_0146
faithfulone1983: DSC_0147
faithfulone1983: DSC_0175
faithfulone1983: DSC_0192
faithfulone1983: DSC_0196
faithfulone1983: DSC_0238
faithfulone1983: DSC_0247
faithfulone1983: DSC_0274
faithfulone1983: DSC_0332
faithfulone1983: DSC_0356
faithfulone1983: DSC_0394
faithfulone1983: Go Cherokees!!
faithfulone1983: Spectators made this game a lot of fun..
faithfulone1983: GEHIK....LOL!!
faithfulone1983: Minutes to go...and we are ahead..go Tribe!
faithfulone1983: Getting excited...
faithfulone1983: Fighting with heart...
faithfulone1983: Another score...
faithfulone1983: He saved this, and went on to score..
faithfulone1983: 10 points ahead and seconds to go...Woot!
faithfulone1983: Seconds left..excitement building...
faithfulone1983: Headed to the State Playoffs for the first time in 20 years! Woot!