Marisa | Food in Jars: half the spread
Marisa | Food in Jars: David and Deb (331)
Marisa | Food in Jars: Angie, Jen, Melissa and Sabrina
Marisa | Food in Jars: Angie, David and Amy
Marisa | Food in Jars: Dan, KD and Deb
Marisa | Food in Jars: Mike with dangling child
Marisa | Food in Jars: Mike and Mel
Marisa | Food in Jars: Ray Scott's dock
Marisa | Food in Jars: Bunny, smoking (she died of lung cancer when I was 15)
Marisa | Food in Jars: Thanksgiving gathering
Marisa | Food in Jars: dining room (my parents still have that table and chairs)
Marisa | Food in Jars: Bunny and Mike
Marisa | Food in Jars: GG & baby Mike
Marisa | Food in Jars: Bunny and Grouchy Grandpa, both with Mike
Marisa | Food in Jars: Thanksgiving table
Marisa | Food in Jars: Dick McClellan (my father's father)
Marisa | Food in Jars: coffee station
Marisa | Food in Jars: waiting under the high chair
Marisa | Food in Jars: she knows where the good stuff is
Marisa | Food in Jars: looking outside
Marisa | Food in Jars: crushing pretzels
Marisa | Food in Jars: I wish this one was in focus
Marisa | Food in Jars: licking the chocolatey spoon