Marisa | Food in Jars: Directing John
Marisa | Food in Jars: Blurry choir
Marisa | Food in Jars: John, directing
Marisa | Food in Jars: John, looking out at the congregation from the organ loft
Marisa | Food in Jars: John, the Music Director, during his standing ovation
Marisa | Food in Jars: Ingrid moving and playing
Marisa | Food in Jars: Ingrid playing
Marisa | Food in Jars: Blurry choir
Marisa | Food in Jars: Lilies and choir members
Marisa | Food in Jars: Easter Lilies
Marisa | Food in Jars: Adorable kid with flowers
Marisa | Food in Jars: Even more kids with flowers
Marisa | Food in Jars: More kids with flowers
Marisa | Food in Jars: Kids with flowers
Marisa | Food in Jars: Kids going up for the flowers
Marisa | Food in Jars: Folks at Church
Marisa | Food in Jars: Flower Communion