Margarita Komine: sunshine deficit
Margarita Komine: a light meal | bokeh
Margarita Komine: the heirloom tomato
Margarita Komine: a light meal
Margarita Komine: sakura jelly
Margarita Komine: a bunch of micro tomatoes on the table
Margarita Komine: fresh tomato juice with micro tomatoes
Margarita Komine: my name on a doughnut
Margarita Komine: rooibos tea with kumquat
Margarita Komine: white clover honey
Margarita Komine: two green apples on a plate
Margarita Komine: a bunch of micro tomatoes on a square glass plate and one on stainless-steel chopsticks
Margarita Komine: a bunch of micro tomatoes on a square glass plate and one that rolled away with stainless-steel chopsticks
Margarita Komine: a bunch of micro tomatoes on a square glass plate and one on the side with stainless-steel chopsticks | top
Margarita Komine: a bunch of micro tomatoes on a square glass plate and one on the side with stainless-steel chopsticks
Margarita Komine: micro tomato on a square glass plate with stainless-steel chopsticks | top
Margarita Komine: micro tomato on a square glass plate with stainless-steel chopsticks
Margarita Komine: quartered strawberries with honey
Margarita Komine: drizzling some honey on quartered strawberries
Margarita Komine: strawberries on my toast
Margarita Komine: strawberry toast
Margarita Komine: Christmas tree plate
Margarita Komine: stick figure plate
Margarita Komine: snow plate
Margarita Komine: happy plate
Margarita Komine: two mashed strawberries
Margarita Komine: strawberry on a plate with a fork
Margarita Komine: a glass of olive oil with branch and fruits | variation
Margarita Komine: a glass of olive oil with branch and fruits
Margarita Komine: a bowl of olive oil with branch and fruits