martytdx: Kind of Blue, Too
martytdx: Cerulean Warbler
martytdx: Gorgeous
martytdx: Hanging On
martytdx: Haunting Song
martytdx: First night of Delaware Birdathon.
martytdx: Best in Blue
martytdx: Got Grub?
martytdx: Cloudy Day
martytdx: Teacher Teacher
martytdx: Lazy Skink
martytdx: Big Bird, he ain't
martytdx: Forest
martytdx: Tsi-Lick
martytdx: You call that a song?
martytdx: Least Tern & Chicks (Crop)
martytdx: Took the Red-Eye In
martytdx: Not the Least
martytdx: Ugly Loves Company
martytdx: Standing out in the Crowd
martytdx: Night Heron in the Shadows
martytdx: Barn Swallow