MARTYr Photography: Jazzy hiding from the gorilla
MARTYr Photography: Nydia, Bozena & Chris
MARTYr Photography: ...and one for Jazzy
MARTYr Photography: Thumbs up from Art
MARTYr Photography: Art & Dave
MARTYr Photography: A waitress realizes...
MARTYr Photography: "Is there really a guy in a gorilla suit behind me?"
MARTYr Photography: Gabriel the thinker
MARTYr Photography: Jazzy & Gabriel
MARTYr Photography: Todd, Chris, Chris, Gabriel & Ken
MARTYr Photography: Joey Burns of Calexico
MARTYr Photography: Martin Wenk & Joey Burns of Calexico
MARTYr Photography: Zoe Fridge
MARTYr Photography: El Morro Tower
MARTYr Photography: El Morro at Dusk
MARTYr Photography: Dominos, San Juan, Puerto Rico
MARTYr Photography: El Morro Coastline
MARTYr Photography: Me and sis.
MARTYr Photography: JanL in post Renaissance Dutch painting.
MARTYr Photography: Despite the air of menace captured here, I saw no violence.
MARTYr Photography: Bird bath.