Something*: Leaves
Something*: The perfect blossom is a rare thing.
Something*: Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
Something*: さくらんぼ
Something*: Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
Something*: Yellow Explosion
Something*: Colors are the smiles of nature.
Something*: “You can't change the past..
Something*: Details #1
Something*: Details #2
Something*: Where words fail, music speaks.
Something*: Prospettive
Something*: Winter tale
Something*: Green
Something*: Ma perchè in giro trovo solo fiori gialli?
Something*: Everything has beauty..
Something*: Face to Face
Something*: Dream on, dream on..
Something*: If only I could turn back time..
Something*: If roses are meant to be red..
Something*: present for you..
Something*: Old Little Piano
Something*: Crystal World