martisimas: Merry Christmas!!!
martisimas: "Oh Death, where is thy sting?"
martisimas: Sister's New Hat (the babysitter's lament)
martisimas: Textures of Spring & Easter
martisimas: Happy Groundhog Day! (original photo by Alan Vernon)
martisimas: Princess Hannaya
martisimas: ~Merry Christmas to one and all~
martisimas: "Peace on Earth"
martisimas: Feline Flurries (original photo by John Coleman)
martisimas: "Lucky Charm" - wonderful original photo by Trish Hamme
martisimas: "winter blues" - original photo by Jane Gregory (jaynie25) of her delightful Shogi, whose amazing blue eyes say it all. Much appreciation for Jane's blessing on my fun here (her awesome original photo below)
martisimas: smoke gets in your eyes
martisimas: please be mine, valentine
martisimas: ole st luke aka kitty kringle
martisimas: "...and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6