the other Martin Taylor:
Lindley's varied lupine - Lupinus variicolor
the other Martin Taylor:
Wild cucumber flower - Marah macrocarpus
the other Martin Taylor:
Douglas' iris - Iris douglasiana
the other Martin Taylor:
Foot Prints
the other Martin Taylor:
the other Martin Taylor:
Checker Bloom - Sidalcea malvaeflora
the other Martin Taylor:
Convolvulaceae - Convolvulus arvensis
the other Martin Taylor:
Sticky Monkey Flower - Mimulus aurantiacus
the other Martin Taylor:
Checker Bloom - Sidalcea malvaeflora
the other Martin Taylor:
Wood-mint/hedge nettle - Stachys bullata
the other Martin Taylor:
Seaside Daisy - Erigeron glaucus
the other Martin Taylor:
the other Martin Taylor:
Douglas' iris - Iris douglasiana
the other Martin Taylor:
the other Martin Taylor:
Death's Door(s)
the other Martin Taylor:
Plastic Boats
the other Martin Taylor:
the other Martin Taylor:
Fishing Floats