the other Martin Taylor: Sometimes you're the windshield ...
the other Martin Taylor: Head & Neck Above the Rest
the other Martin Taylor: San Francisco Snow Globe
the other Martin Taylor: New Toy: Geomag
the other Martin Taylor: Mechana with Ray Gun
the other Martin Taylor: PAD 2007 - 351: Most Geeky Snow Globe Ever
the other Martin Taylor: Stikfas' Dragon Lady
the other Martin Taylor: Mickey Mouse Camera
the other Martin Taylor: Darth Vader Bobble-Head
the other Martin Taylor: PAD 2007 - 97: Dinky Toy
the other Martin Taylor: Yes, I am that geeky
the other Martin Taylor: PAD 2007 - 79: Stick Man
the other Martin Taylor: Meta-Photographer
the other Martin Taylor: Portrait of a Toy Soldier
the other Martin Taylor: NIghtmare: Alien