martinrstone: 101-0785
martinrstone: Male Black Redstart on the banks of the Dordogne at Beaulieu
martinrstone: Chapelle des Pénitents
martinrstone: Unusual Properties on the banks of the Dordogne at Beaulieu 3
martinrstone: Unusual Properties on the banks of the Dordogne at Beaulieu 2
martinrstone: Unusual Properties on the banks of the Dordogne at Beaulieu
martinrstone: Maison des Gabariers, rear
martinrstone: Maison des Gabariers close up
martinrstone: Maison des Gabariers
martinrstone: Side view of the Youth Hostel showing the dovecote tower
martinrstone: Beaulieu Youth Hostel
martinrstone: La Chapelle des Pénitents, Beaulieu Sur Dordogne
martinrstone: 101-0769
martinrstone: 101-0768
martinrstone: The Beaulieu reconstructed "gabare" l'Adele et Clarisse