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Lyme Park by Martin Q
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Martin Q
Lyme Park gardens with pond
Martin Q
In the greenhouse
Martin Q
Roses pretending to be ivy
Martin Q
Nadia and Rachel
Martin Q
Contemplate something a-maze-ing
Martin Q
The house at Lyme Park
Martin Q
I need a graduated filter
Martin Q
Bridge below a bridge
Martin Q
Gardening can bring out a smile in anyone
Martin Q
Pretending each other doesn't exist
Martin Q
Consult the map
Martin Q
Layered view
Martin Q
Fences are for leaning on and looking over
Martin Q
A quick folly on the way to the folly
Martin Q
Vive Hodiè
Martin Q
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy Youth
Martin Q
Watching it rain on Manchester
Martin Q
Cras minus aptus eris
Martin Q
Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you own the place
Martin Q
Not quite king of the castle
Martin Q
Showers over Greater Manchester again
Martin Q
Stephen shows the deer his antlers
Martin Q
Martin Q
Moment of indecision
Martin Q
Rachel sees them off
Martin Q
Why deer are bad for the environment