the factory wall: St. John's
the factory wall: Caledonia
the factory wall: Old Wrecks
the factory wall: A Viking Vessel
the factory wall: L’Anse aux Meadows
the factory wall: The Tablelands
the factory wall: Cape Spear
the factory wall: Inside the lighthouse
the factory wall: Blow Me Down Provincial Park
the factory wall: Three Fin Whales
the factory wall: Twillingate
the factory wall: St. Vincent's
the factory wall: The Waters at St. Vincent's
the factory wall: The Green Cliffs
the factory wall: Rocky Harbour
the factory wall: Fishing Boats
the factory wall: A Catalina Flying Boat
the factory wall: Rocks on the beach
the factory wall: Blue Denim Falls
the factory wall: Norris Point
the factory wall: The Bay of Islands
the factory wall: A root cellar
the factory wall: Distant Tablelands
the factory wall: Sod house
the factory wall: Furnace Building and Smithy Forge
the factory wall: Psychedelic Twillingate
the factory wall: Twillingate
the factory wall: The cliffs by Cape Spear