Martinke_H: And then #bear became a real bear. The little grand children stayed for some days in his house They adore him.
Martinke_H: After a long hot day, after the grand children went to sleep, #bear and Rôchat sat together, so tired.
Martinke_H: But the last days, #bear stays in the bedroom, hidden from his little new little friends. It's to hot to play together.
Martinke_H: In fact, bears like cats wear fur coats they can't take off...
Martinke_H: in case of a heat wave like we have now, bears and cats are very unhappy.
Martinke_H: They must drink a whole lot of everything to keep going.
Martinke_H: #bear did drinks tons of water with ice, to cool down inside...
Martinke_H: Later on we found #bear back in a very dangerous situation! The heatwave turned him naughty!
Martinke_H: Desperate because of the lasting hot weather , he climbed...
Martinke_H: ... in the dangerously turning fan to get some fresh air...
Martinke_H: #bear !!! This is to dangerous for little bears!!!
Martinke_H: But bear didn't come down and said he only would, after the heat wave.
Martinke_H: It's midnight and #bear is still hanging on the turning fan. He will probably spend the night there. We turne off the light. Good night!