Martinke_H: That morning, when I packed my suitcase....
Martinke_H: Specially when he heard I would fly to Holland ...
Martinke_H: Bear decided to come along with me again.
Martinke_H: So I hid him in my bag as usual.
Martinke_H: Later on Bear watched out of the plane window amazed!
Martinke_H: "Whow", Bear said, "there is an enormous white woolen blanket outside!"
Martinke_H: In the hotel I explained to bear, he couldn't come along with me.
Martinke_H: "I don't care", bear answered, I'll watch TV while you're gone. Don't worry"
Martinke_H: So, instead of visiting Holland, bear spent his time watching Dutch TV. He said that remembered him his childhood.
Martinke_H: When I came back after a long working day bear still sat there, watching the program for children.
Martinke_H: On the flight back bear wanted to see the white blanket again.
Martinke_H: An then he said :"I think bears can learn to fly, I will ask the birds in the garden."