Martinke_H: I told #Bear to be quit and a nice little Bear. Running around in a driving bus is dangerous !
Martinke_H: Today #Bear insisted to come along to the office .
Martinke_H: First he enjoyed the bus-drive, looking trough the window ...
Martinke_H: The first 10 minutes Bear behaved well, but a little later...
Martinke_H: Bear became naughty and restless...
Martinke_H: From than #Bear sat down sulking, saying he did not like busses, that he wanted to sail on the water...
Martinke_H: And now he's sitting on my desk, pretending he has a headache. I have to work now, but wonder what the day will bring!
Martinke_H: And then there was that meeting. Couldn't leave #Bear alone. So he learned about the"Cloud".
Martinke_H: So that was a great mistake. Bear popped up from the box he was hidden in screaming...
Martinke_H: Me and my friend "Little Bear on the Cloud", can explain everything about this matter...
Martinke_H: was so embarrassing, the two bears discussing about sailing on clouds and water
Martinke_H: At the end I ordered #Bear to get back to his box and remain quit 'till lunchtime. Bear on the cloud , just disappeared.
Martinke_H: To forget about today's stress in the office, we did a barbecue tonight. Bear was very interested.
Martinke_H: Bear was careful and tried protecting glasses...
Martinke_H: ...but finely preferred without glasses, to see how it works a barbecue. He really enjoyed.
Martinke_H: Last night #Bear was almost the last to go to bed.
Martinke_H: When we woke up, #Bear sat ready in my handbag. Decided to come with me to work. I explained he had to stay home, to look after the house. He's sad now