Martinke_H: This first morning in Paris, Bear told his adventures to his new French friends: doll Jane, the rabbits monkey & scheep
Martinke_H: And then we took Bear on a visit of Paris.
Martinke_H: Once in Paris, we took Bear to la Place du Tertre. See the artists....
Martinke_H: All he artists at la Place du Tertre loved Bear and showed him how to paint.
Martinke_H: Bear was a little sad when he realized that artists die like all the other bears on earth one day
Martinke_H: After his art initiation at la Place du Tertre, Bear also liked #streetart
Martinke_H: Then Bear thought there was still a lot of Paris to discover...
Martinke_H: We showed Bear on the Metro map how to reach la Seine, the river crossing Paris.
Martinke_H: Bear was happy to see the river and water again
Martinke_H: Bear sat hours watching the river and was sure one could come to France by boat!
Martinke_H: In fact Bear is tired today after his long stroll trough Paris yesterday. He saw so many great things !
Martinke_H: In the museum des Arts Premiers he saw a white bear with a mask
Martinke_H: And Bear sat down, puzzled for a long time in the river of words, flowing over the ground like water
Martinke_H: And then Bear asked: "can one sail on a word flow? Can I sail home on this river?
Martinke_H: We didn't know bud told Bear to say good bye to Paris, we where all going home!
Martinke_H: Bear definitely did not like to travel by car
Martinke_H: Again we spent hours telling bear it would take to long to sail to southern France by boat