Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Niers
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Seiltänzerin" by Joseph Jaeckel I
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Seiltänzerin" by Joseph Jaeckel II
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Männlicher Torso" by H. Köhler
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Elkartu" by Eduardu Chillida
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "The spinning oracle of Delphi" by James Lee Byars I
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "The spinning oracle of Delphi" by James Lee Byars II
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - Sculpture by Kubach-Wilmsen
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "The spinning oracle of Delphi" by James Lee Byars III
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Trojanisches Pferd" by Erwin Heerich
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - Sir Winston Churchill
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland - "Frieden"
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland III
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland II
Laphroaig67: Schloss Moyland I
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Rathaus I
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Haus Püllen I
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Rathaus II
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Haus Püllen II
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Haus Püllen III
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Michael I
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Michael II
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Altes Kloster Thal Josaphat II
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Altes Kloster Thal Josaphat I
Laphroaig67: Duisburg - Museum Küppersmühle I
Laphroaig67: Duisburg - Museum Küppersmühle II
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Michael
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Altes Wasserwerk
Laphroaig67: Wachtendonk - Aerbecker Straße