VintageLensLover: Krabbenspinne
Lukas Litz Obb: Wülfersbergkapelle
Apertur1: Mauereidechse (Podarcis muralis) Wall lizard
AchimOWL: Wiedehopf Pärchen (Upupa epops) an ihrem Brutkasten im Weinberg
AchimOWL: Goldwespe (Pseudomalus sp.) an unserem Insektenhotel
AchimOWL: Goldwespe bei der Nektaraufnahme
jeans_Photos: Maratus hortorum male
der_peste (on/off): Poppy Sunset
RonParsonsflowershots: Carrizo Plains National Monument
RonParsonsflowershots: Pinguicula cyclosecta - Jay Vannini
VintageLensLover: The Watcher
RonParsonsflowershots: Dendrobium speciosum - Hanging Gardens
der_peste (on/off): Springbreak
RonParsonsflowershots: Lepanthes inca - John Leathers
VintageLensLover: My best pal and me
RonParsonsflowershots: Dendrobium vexillarius - Golden Gate Orchids
RonParsonsflowershots: Cattleya pygmaea - Ron Parsons
RonParsonsflowershots: Monterey Co., California
Apertur1: Russicher Bär, Euplagia quadripunctaria
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Sobralia odorata blooming in situ, eye catching and fragrant species, endemic from Colombia and limited to the eastern mountain range, observed during an 18 days orchids and nature tour I guided all over Colombia. Here in Boyaca department.
der_peste (on/off): Peaceful Mornings
RonParsonsflowershots: Aeschynanthus sp.
RonParsonsflowershots: Weevil, Samar Natural Park, Samar, Philippines
viktorlantos: Green Aqua Showroom
Utricular: Fading colors
LICHTFAENGER 1: Lichtfaenger 1
acahaya: Northern gannet III
der_peste (on/off): Mirror, mirror...