Martin Vincent Chalifour: String quartet comprised of MUSE:IQUE orchestra members (L-R) Julie Rogers, violin; Songa Lee, violin; Brett Banducci, viola; and Ginger Murphy, cello ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6909
Martin Vincent Chalifour: String quartet comprised of MUSE:IQUE orchestra members (L-R) Julie Rogers, violin; Songa Lee, violin; Brett Banducci, viola; and Ginger Murphy, cello ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6910
Martin Vincent Chalifour: The Charlie Greene Band ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6911
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Charlie Greene ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6918
Martin Vincent Chalifour: The Charlie Greene Band ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6924
Martin Vincent Chalifour: The Charlie Greene Band ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-6927
Martin Vincent Chalifour: The DkF Vocal Ensemble ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-0007
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Bryan Pezzone piano with Kevin mcHale , Glee singer ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-0023
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Bryan Pezzone piano with Kevin mcHale , Glee singer ;Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-0012
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Bryan Pezzone piano with Kevin mcHale , Glee singer ; Muse-ique Rose Palace Oct 14-0016
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Jerry Kohl plays for mUSE-IQUE-51-3
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Jerry Kohl plays for mUSE-IQUE-50-5
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Jerry Kohl plays for mUSE-IQUE-49-5
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Jerry Kohl plays for mUSE-IQUE-40-3
Martin Vincent Chalifour: Jerry Kohl plays for mUSE-IQUE-37-2