martie1swart: Winged Victory of Samothrace
martie1swart: Eiffel Tower
martie1swart: Eiffel Tower
martie1swart: French Windows
martie1swart: Inside Louvre Museum
martie1swart: Notre-Dame de Paris
martie1swart: Top of Eiffel Tower at Night
martie1swart: View of Paris Skyline
martie1swart: Wall art
martie1swart: Angel wall art
martie1swart: Musée du Louvre
martie1swart: Venus de Milo
martie1swart: Statue in the Louvre
martie1swart: Egyptian hieroglyphics
martie1swart: History of the Louvre
martie1swart: Inside the Louvre
martie1swart: Inside the Louvre
martie1swart: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
martie1swart: Vive la France!
martie1swart: Avenue des Champs Elysées
martie1swart: Notre Dame Cathedral Statues
martie1swart: Inside Notre Dame de Paris
martie1swart: Inside the Louvre
martie1swart: Ceiling
martie1swart: Top of Sacré-Coeur