marthasadie: Cinnamon Flycatcher
marthasadie: Blue capped tanager
marthasadie: Cinnamon flycatcher
marthasadie: White-faced nunbird pair
marthasadie: Orange-bellied euphonia
marthasadie: Russet-crowned warbler?
marthasadie: Blue winged mountain tanager
marthasadie: Masked flowerpiercers (and hummingbird)
marthasadie: Purple-throated Woodstar and Sparkling Violetear
marthasadie: Orchid, unidentified
marthasadie: Epidendrum cochlidium (?) orchid
marthasadie: Hello little frog
marthasadie: Unidentified pink flower- Macleania?
marthasadie: Ideal mushroom territory
marthasadie: Tiny spray of aerial orchids
marthasadie: Cecropia trees
marthasadie: The tiniest orchid
marthasadie: Ants
marthasadie: Lush
marthasadie: Good morning Ecuador
marthasadie: Good morning Golden-crowned Flycatcher
marthasadie: Strong billed woodcreeper
marthasadie: Grey-breasted wood wren?
marthasadie: Masked trogon
marthasadie: Masked trogon
marthasadie: Masked trogon
marthasadie: Hummingbird - Buff-tailed Coronet?
marthasadie: Hummingbird - Buff-tailed Coronet?
marthasadie: Cinnamon flycatcher
marthasadie: Smoke-coloured Pewee