Martha Duerr: Giant Wash
Martha Duerr: Chicago
Martha Duerr: Cutout Cock
Martha Duerr: U.S. Mail
Martha Duerr: Angels 2
Martha Duerr: Angels 1
Martha Duerr: Elephant
Martha Duerr: The Land
Martha Duerr: Cafe 4
Martha Duerr: Pracna 2
Martha Duerr: The Weisman Art Museum
Martha Duerr: The Hexagon Bar
Martha Duerr: Seward Cafe
Martha Duerr: Pracna 1
Martha Duerr: Moose and Sadies
Martha Duerr: The Sample Room 2
Martha Duerr: Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Martha Duerr: The Sample Room 1
Martha Duerr: Grumpy's Bar
Martha Duerr: Cupcake Men's
Martha Duerr: Cupcake Women's
Martha Duerr: View-Finders
Martha Duerr: La Guera
Martha Duerr: Kevin and Elise
Martha Duerr: Elise in her cheap ass, barely functional stroller... the wheels fall off! i spent hours on the phone with the bastards at EVENFLO trying to get a replacement and they are sending me new wheels. pretty sure that won't solve the problem though.
Martha Duerr: Elise concentrating