marshallnordic: David Taking A Rest
marshallnordic: Chad Salmela
marshallnordic: St. Scholastica at practice on the Marshall Trails
marshallnordic: Sarah and the Jr. High girls take a break from practice
marshallnordic: Timing Trailer donated by Builder's Commonwealth of Duluth
marshallnordic: Timing Trailer donated by Builder's Commonwealth of Duluth
marshallnordic: The ASV Scout ST-50 Hauling in the timing trailer
marshallnordic: The ASV Scout ST-50 Hauling in the timing trailer
marshallnordic: The ASV Scout ST-50 Hauling in the timing trailer
marshallnordic: Tony trying out the Scout ST-50
marshallnordic: Tony trying out the Scout ST-50
marshallnordic: Lance of ASV
marshallnordic: Hamar 20!
marshallnordic: Hamar 20!
marshallnordic: Hamar 20!