Marsha Collier: Susan & I outside the Moulin Rouge
Marsha Collier: Very cool arc
Marsha Collier: Interesting movie poster
Marsha Collier: Outside The Black Cat
Marsha Collier: Susan in the Bell Tower at Notre Dame
Marsha Collier: Climbing to the top of Notre Dame
Marsha Collier: View from The Eiffel Tower at night
Marsha Collier: On the Aerostar from Paris to London
Marsha Collier: The Smoking Dog
Marsha Collier: Fortnum & Mason Candy display
Marsha Collier: First Shopping Center 1819 the Burlington Arcade
Marsha Collier: Modern day Dorothy in Harrod's window
Marsha Collier: Harrods - shopping paradise
Marsha Collier: Stairs to groceries at Fortnum & Mason
Marsha Collier: View from Notre Dame Cathedral
Marsha Collier: Gargoyle overlooks Paris Notre Dame
Marsha Collier: Notre Dame Cathedral
Marsha Collier: The Seine
Marsha Collier: Caron Haut Perfumerie
Marsha Collier: Eiffel Tower st night
Marsha Collier: A cool statue
Marsha Collier: Paris Train station
Marsha Collier: Chambiges Elysees Hotel
Marsha Collier: Christmas lights on the Champs d'Elysees
Marsha Collier: The Louvre
Marsha Collier: The Louvre
Marsha Collier: Gargoyle overlooks Paris Notre Dame
Marsha Collier: Notre Dame Bell
Marsha Collier: Gargoyle overlooks Paris Notre Dame