MArroz: Carmen and Maria
MArroz: You talkin' to me?
MArroz: Combing my hair!
MArroz: Whoa what I'm awake I'm awake what's going on?
MArroz: I like to stay partially in the shade and mess up your camera!
MArroz: Zebra Finch
MArroz: I'm so snob!
MArroz: I'm fluffy and colourful!
MArroz: Look at how smooth my feathers are!
MArroz: Why, hello!
MArroz: I'm sleeping, go away.
MArroz: A dry plant? Really? Get me some real food!
MArroz: Oh I'm so beautiful!
MArroz: Hey not the green guy! Focus me! Focus me!
MArroz: Yes, me! Ain't I something?
MArroz: Ok, I'm awake now, what do you want?
MArroz: I have great lungs and sing really loud!
MArroz: Last photo, I got the last photo!