Mario Guel: scary lou
Mario Guel: Vegas
Mario Guel: Arrow
Mario Guel: Clear Lake
Mario Guel: Alicia
Mario Guel: Turdz
Mario Guel: g juan
Mario Guel: Angie
Mario Guel: Cody_mountain
Mario Guel: Elise in the snow
Mario Guel: meNputter
Mario Guel: trail
Mario Guel: Coder
Mario Guel: endless scummer aboard the fiesta
Mario Guel: rick e. on estas muerto trip
Mario Guel: Claws over NY copy
Mario Guel: lou and jimbo
Mario Guel: April
Mario Guel: DSC_0133
Mario Guel: DSC_0127
Mario Guel: Todd is one of my favorite people
Mario Guel: Goldschlager
Mario Guel: Coming home drunk with a shitty chick
Mario Guel: 7 pound Largemouth Bass Jumping After Being Released