marlin harms:
Elongated Violet Snail, Janthina umbilicata shells
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Teloschistes chrysophthalmus, Gold-eye Lichen
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It's a Small World--Slime Mold
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It's a Small World
marlin harms:
It's a Small World--Small Mycena Mushrooms
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It's a Small World--Small Mycena Mushrooms (2)
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Hackberry Nipple Galls Initiated by Pachypsylla sp. Psyllids
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Calocera cornea, Small Stagshorn
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Calocera cornea, Small Stagshorn
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Fruiting Bodies of Leocarpus fragilis, a Slime Mold Known as Insect Egg Slime
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Chondrostereum purpureum, Silverleaf Fungus
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Mycenas (Very Small Mushrooms) & Dew Drops
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Gobiesox meandricus, Northern Clingfish Juvenile
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Really Small, Young Clams
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Lithothrix aspergillum, Articulate Coralline Alga, Stone Hair
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Bossiella dichotoma with Reproductive Conceptacles
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Aplysia californica, California Sea Hare, Egg Strands
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Euphorbia albomarginata, Rattlesnake Sandmat
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Mycena purpureofusca, Cone-dwelling Mycena
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Cuthona lagunae, Orange Face Cuthona, Laguna Beach Aeolid
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Spiranthes romanzoffiana, Hooded Ladies' Tresses, First Bud
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Thysanocarpus laciniatus, Common Lace Pod Fruits
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Lepidium nitidum, Shining Peppercress, Shining Pepper Grass, with Pods
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Teloschistes flavicans, Powdered Orange Bush Lichen
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Pisaster giganteus, Giant Spined Star, Surface
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Trentepohlia aurea, A Green Alga
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Ambrosia chamissonis, Beach Bur, Flowers
marlin harms:
Ambrosia chamissonis, Beach Bur, Flowers
marlin harms:
Pholisma arenarium, Desert Pholisma, Scaly Stemmed Sand Plant, Sand Food, Flowers