Beaches Marley.....iPad art: The dunes at Huntington SC
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Sunset on the beach
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Cormorant balancing act
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Coming in for a Landing
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Coming in for a landing
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Happy New Year to all
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Just around the curve
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: autumn workshop in the woods
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Windmill in Bayfield
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: The Halloween Games have begun ‍☠️🔚🔜⚠️🚷⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: my favourite garden
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Horse of a Different colour
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Painted from a photo
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: My poster ‘Time well Spent’ come to the beaches
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Kite swimmers at the Beach at Ashbridges
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: The Monarchs leave soon..
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: This is hanging on my wall
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Hotel California
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Hotel California
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: Two photos merged in IColorama on iPad.
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: An old favourite tree
Beaches Marley.....iPad art: A day at the Cottage. Kew in the Beaches