marley1027: DJP_1494
marley1027: DJP_1598
marley1027: DJP_1596
marley1027: DJP_1594
marley1027: DJP_1590
marley1027: DJP_1588
marley1027: DJP_1584
marley1027: DJP_1581
marley1027: DJP_1579
marley1027: DJP_1493
marley1027: DJP_1490
marley1027: DJP_1489
marley1027: Rear Spar Inboard End.
marley1027: Rear Spar Inboard End Plates Removed.
marley1027: Original Rear Spar Reconstructed
marley1027: Dry Fit of the Rear Spar
marley1027: New Spar Inboard End
marley1027: New Spar vs Old Spar
marley1027: DJP_1904
marley1027: DJP_1906
marley1027: DJP_1908
marley1027: DJP_1909
marley1027: DJP_1912
marley1027: DJP_1918
marley1027: DJP_1920
marley1027: DJP_2078
marley1027: DJP_2079
marley1027: DJP_2080
marley1027: DJP_2081
marley1027: DSCN3599