Marlboro College Alumni Association: Commencement Speaker Jessica Lange, Actor.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: The Platform Party: Dean of Faculty John Hayes, Speaker Jessica Lange, President Paul LeBlanc, Senior Speaker Lee Collyer, Honor
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Angus Colton and Amy Gallant Following Commencement Ceremonies.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Dan Caspe and Alan Behler Waiting for the Ceremonies to Begin.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Mary Kelley Congratulates Dan Worthing. In Rear, Student Photographer Teal Pulsifer.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Graduate Emily Amanna and President Paul LeBlanc.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Georgie Hill and Miya Taoka.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Music Professor Luis Batlle Gives His Wife, Literature Professor Geraldine Pittman de Batlle, a Kiss On the Way Into the Auditor
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Chip Hurd, Jesseca McCloskey and Amy Gallant.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Kurt Roderick with His Version of a Cap.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Senior Speaker Lee Collyer with Kate Merrill '02 and his sister Danielle.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Marissa Tenenbaum Gets a Hug From Her Pal Following Commencement.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Graduate Matthew Temple Celebrating with His Twin Daughters.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Interim (and former) President Senator Rod Gander with Dean John Hayes.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Roseanna Harrison Poses for the Cameras.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Trustee Sterling Blake '92, and Faculty Members Bob Engel and Jenny Ramstetter'81.
Marlboro College Alumni Association: Graduate Ulla Valk Bestowed with Flowers.