Mark's Meanderings:
80002 in front of me
Mark's Meanderings:
80002 is off
Mark's Meanderings:
80002 leaving Keighley
Mark's Meanderings:
80002 moving to other end of train
Mark's Meanderings:
80002 under bridge at Keighley Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Mark's Meanderings:
A lonely Tree
Mark's Meanderings:
Almost at Oakworth Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Almost Gone
Mark's Meanderings:
Almost here
Mark's Meanderings:
Arrived at Keighley Station
Mark's Meanderings:
As close as I could get
Mark's Meanderings:
As far as we went on mornig walk
Mark's Meanderings:
As it goes past me and the dog
Mark's Meanderings:
Beautiful buttertub
Mark's Meanderings:
Beautiful Haworth Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Beautiful Oakworth Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Beginning of the buttertubs
Mark's Meanderings:
Bicycle @ Oakworth Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Bicycle and sign
Mark's Meanderings:
Big Shaddow
Mark's Meanderings:
Bit Dark on way to Askrigg
Mark's Meanderings:
Bottom of Crane at Oakworth Station
Mark's Meanderings:
Bronte Parsonage
Mark's Meanderings:
Bronte's House
Mark's Meanderings:
Built in Derby 1952
Mark's Meanderings:
Buttertubs, blink and you miss it
Mark's Meanderings:
Child admires the train
Mark's Meanderings:
Close up of Buttertubs
Mark's Meanderings:
Close up of Oakworth Station