verbos: aftermath
verbos: DJ Rush in full gear
verbos: Wannabe A Star & dude from zZz
verbos: Sander & Joost
verbos: Danny Rampling trying out some different types of looks
verbos: The Hrvat I met
verbos: hyped up.
verbos: Butterfly confetti
verbos: weirdos
verbos: Danny Rampling
verbos: Isis
verbos: gear w/crowd
verbos: crowd
verbos: MC Kinky
verbos: Arthur Baker
verbos: Mark Moore in the Venga Boys
verbos: Venga Boys camp preformance
verbos: Joost in costume 2
verbos: Knitting girl
verbos: crowd
verbos: animal costumes
verbos: Sinter Claus and "Black Pete"
verbos: "tighter!"
verbos: "Mark, could you tie my corset?"
verbos: lunch
verbos: This guy was trying to break the world handshake record
verbos: Joost in his first Valtifest outfit
verbos: fantastic mobile DJ setup
verbos: outside the OWAP tent
verbos: Dutch bike