mark valentine: Safety Net For The Rich
mark valentine: prime real estabe observes the reception of the arts
mark valentine: reflections in the digital image frame
mark valentine: Multiple Vision
mark valentine: grid of reflective reflections
mark valentine: Chicago Reflections
mark valentine: Self-Portrait: The Bean As Rarely Seen (aka Cloud Gate's Navel)
mark valentine: visions of lifework looming
mark valentine: View From The Bridge At Dusk
mark valentine: Footpath
mark valentine: Cork Rowhouses
mark valentine: The River Lee Awakens
mark valentine: Cork At Dusk
mark valentine: prime real estate observes the reception of the arts, no. 2
mark valentine: yesterday's futures today
mark valentine: the grid goes over the grid
mark valentine: downtown lunch
mark valentine: odd reflections
mark valentine: in the center of reflected reflections
mark valentine: golden reflections in an eye
mark valentine: silhouettes in the river lee
mark valentine: base of the footbridge
mark valentine: river lee from the foot bridge
mark valentine: view from the bridge at dusk
mark valentine: window tears
mark valentine: three generations
mark valentine: free to obey
mark valentine: reverberated improvisation
mark valentine: erotic non-yet sense
mark valentine: disorderpassiondispassionorder