markrabo: At the park entrance, Alpha company awaits Bravo and Charlie company
markrabo: Kahori & Jason - Kahori has the appropriate Girl Guides outfit going
markrabo: "The Chairman" Brandon Boyer arrives with Charlie company
markrabo: The leaning tower of Jori
markrabo: Kahori sprays Jon with bug spray which would prove terribly inadequate by weekend's end. Jon's sweet sweet blood was too much to resist.
markrabo: The weekend trekkers, sadly MIA is Mathew Kumar
markrabo: Onwards we march!
markrabo: Jon a little top heavy at the head of the pack
markrabo: A well-earned PBR
markrabo: Warming up the arm ready for some rock skipping
markrabo: Skipping
markrabo: Wood normally doesn't beat wood, except when it's the Wood Hammer
markrabo: Natural-born woodsman Kris Piotrowski
markrabo: Try to stay in Thao's good books
markrabo: Camping OCD
markrabo: Vella
markrabo: "Alright guys, the first rule about camp club is..."
markrabo: My freeze-dried food experiment - pack #1
markrabo: The Chairman, the harmonica, and the 60 -- let the party begin!
markrabo: Not bad, not good, better than starving
markrabo: Dusk over Little Salmon Lake
markrabo: Kahori Spelunky
markrabo: "The Chairman"
markrabo: The Chairman is everywhere
markrabo: Night swim
markrabo: I see your schwartz is as big as mine
markrabo: Nathan's trail mix w/ "extra cashews" ransacked by…
markrabo: …this evil monster.
markrabo: Freeze-dried food experiment #2 - egg product