markrabo: Walmart
markrabo: Walmart... where stocking is priority #2
markrabo: Get back to priority #1 lady!
markrabo: Sweet blue johnnies
markrabo: Ready, set, stock!
markrabo: Cockpit view
markrabo: The King of Chocolate
markrabo: Kathy the chocolate
markrabo: Packed
markrabo: Fellow nerds
markrabo: Hmmm....
markrabo: Merchandising at it's finest
markrabo: Only a few remaining ways to shut up your screaming kids so you can drink in peace this holiday season
markrabo: Thems iPod things is pretty popular ain't them Cletus
markrabo: A long way up
markrabo: What child today even knows what a Care Bear is.
markrabo: Bonjour little electronic employee who takes my money
markrabo: I'd probably wash my hands when I get home
markrabo: mumu
markrabo: Yes ... fish
markrabo: Operation: Warehouse infiltration
markrabo: Mwaaahaha! There's no escaping the escalator greeter now.
markrabo: High performance
markrabo: Recharge at the Bay... also open 24hrs
markrabo: Hand over the merchandise headless lady, we got you surrounded.
markrabo: Decisions
markrabo: Tired