shamwari: dave and whitney self portrait
shamwari: it was andrew's birthday
shamwari: mike likes the two greatest inventions of the last 500 years...capitalism and chucky cheezes
shamwari: ice cream in minneapolis
shamwari: road trip to twin cities
shamwari: bevin is very photogenic
shamwari: patty and leif are all gussied up
shamwari: trout's surprised, dave is drunk, and sean is stoned
shamwari: what??
shamwari: cantwell and baby boy have the same eyes...evil ones
shamwari: sarah and leah pretend they aren't drunk
shamwari: dave mann is almost as photogenic as bevin
shamwari: skipping a boring pathophysiology class at the end of 2nd year
shamwari: shenk's birthday....that goatee is a bit large
shamwari: Tulips
shamwari: the rbc house...not red blood cells
shamwari: rbc house
shamwari: the late great mr. burns
shamwari: highland cow
shamwari: roman and i on july 4, 2004
shamwari: malini picking her nose
shamwari: flying through a rainbow
shamwari: stephen sits yet again
shamwari: molly and malini enjoy the chimenea
shamwari: watching the new graduates
shamwari: the boys at marcus' and danny's graduation
shamwari: happy couple at marcus' and danny's graduation
shamwari: ants on the peonies
shamwari: skeeter
shamwari: jonathan really loves chilupas