markleychic: Back row...comic relief...Nico, Emily and my Godson, Gus
markleychic: Jed's head
markleychic: Brigid, be sealed with the holy spirit
markleychic: Jed & Hannah up next
markleychic: Be sealed with the holy spirit...and he didn't even scream or start to burn
markleychic: DSC08054
markleychic: Amanda & Hattie, Amanda was Hattie's sponsor
markleychic: Jed & his sponsor, Hannah
markleychic: Jedidiah Joseph Gregory & Hattie Isabella Brigid
markleychic: They look more holy, right???
markleychic: Newly confirmed
markleychic: the cake hannah made for Hattie & Jed of "Brigid & Gregory" the saint names they chose
markleychic: My momma and Hannah talking shop
markleychic: Hattie & Emily
markleychic: Hattie & Jed's Confirmation
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