markleychic: veggie kiss
markleychic: thanks hannah
markleychic: carrots
markleychic: yummy dipping bread
markleychic: cucumbers
markleychic: fresh fruit
markleychic: da meat
markleychic: bar-b-que crisps
markleychic: and for pudding: vanilla cake w/chocolate frosting
markleychic: i love you jenny
markleychic: hattie nicks a veggie
markleychic: laundry patrol
markleychic: what???
markleychic: naughty noah
markleychic: innocent little johnny
markleychic: getting ready for our first cookout
markleychic: the snow is finally leaving
markleychic: beer me
markleychic: Mark's favorite
markleychic: Hattie and her posse
markleychic: Grillmaster Keith