markjjones: Carolina Wren
markjjones: Coming in for a landing
markjjones: Shy Owl
markjjones: Pair of Barred Owls
markjjones: Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Bald Eagle
markjjones: Bald Eagle
markjjones: Bald Eagle
markjjones: Bald Eagle
markjjones: Red-Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Cooper's Hawk - Juvenile
markjjones: Cooper's Hawk - Juvenile
markjjones: Cooper's Hawk - Juvenile
markjjones: Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: House Finch
markjjones: Red Shouldered Hawk (Immature)
markjjones: Red Shouldered Hawk (Immature)
markjjones: Bald Eagle
markjjones: Barred Owl
markjjones: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
markjjones: Cedar Waxwing
markjjones: Cedar Waxwing
markjjones: Immature Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Immature Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Immature Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Immature Red Shouldered Hawk
markjjones: Great Blue Heron with lunch
markjjones: Turkeys
markjjones: Barn Owl