markhorrell: Summit and Ash Cone of Mount Meru from Miriakamba Huts
markhorrell: Edita tucks into porridge
markhorrell: Miriakamba Huts, Mount Meru
markhorrell: Edita at Miriakamba Huts
markhorrell: Me at Miriakamba Huts
markhorrell: Me and Edita at Miriakamba Huts
markhorrell: Me, Joseph and Edita
markhorrell: Broad trail from Miriakamba
markhorrell: Ascending above Miriakamba
markhorrell: Little Meru from the trail above Miriakamba
markhorrell: Edita during the ascent to Saddle Huts
markhorrell: On the trail to Saddle Huts with Little Meru up ahead
markhorrell: Little Meru touched by cloud
markhorrell: Ascending to Saddle Huts, with Kilimanjaro on the horizon
markhorrell: Kilimanjaro from the forests of Mount Meru
markhorrell: Kilimanjaro rises above the forests and plains
markhorrell: Edita and me, with Kilimanjaro above the clouds behind
markhorrell: In forest on the way up to Saddle Huts
markhorrell: Ascending through the forest
markhorrell: Lichen fronds
markhorrell: Approaching Mgongo wa Tembo veiwpoint
markhorrell: Porter checks his mobile phone
markhorrell: The forest opens out
markhorrell: Ascending to Saddle Huts beneath Little Meru
markhorrell: Edita, me and Little Meru
markhorrell: Red hot poker
markhorrell: Climbing through burned forest
markhorrell: In burned forest with Little Meru up ahead
markhorrell: Little Meru rises above burned forest
markhorrell: Joseph and Little Meru