markhorrell: Edita outside the observatory in Parque la Alameda
markhorrell: Me outside the observatory in Parque la Alameda
markhorrell: Basilica del Voto Nacional
markhorrell: Inside Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Climbing spiral stairs inside one of the towers
markhorrell: View from one tower to another inside Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Ascending ladders in Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Edita inside the roof of Quito Basilica
markhorrell: El Panecillo from the roof of Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Climbing the central tower of Quito Basilica
markhorrell: El Panecillo from the central tower of Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Selfie of me and Edita at Quito Basilica
markhorrell: Edita at the central tower of Quito Basilica, with El Panecillo behind
markhorrell: In Plaza Grande
markhorrell: Convento San Francisco, Plaza San Francisco
markhorrell: Plaza San Francisco
markhorrell: Roof of Iglesia de La Compania de Jesus from Plaza San Francisco
markhorrell: Virgen de Quito, El Panecillo
markhorrell: Edita at El Panecillo
markhorrell: Foothills of Pichincha from El Panecillo
markhorrell: Admiring the view from El Panecillo
markhorrell: Inside one of the greenhouses, Parque La Carolina
markhorrell: Inside one of the greenhouses, Parque La Carolina
markhorrell: Inside the botanical gardens, Parque La Carolina
markhorrell: Carnivorous plants, botanical gardens, Parque La Carolina
markhorrell: Edita at the botanical gardens, Parque La Carolina
markhorrell: Edita finds a friend in Plaza del Teatro (Photo: Edita Nichols)
markhorrell: I find a friend in Plaza del Teatro (Photo: Edita Nichols)
markhorrell: Servants in the Centro Cultural Metropolitano
markhorrell: Helpless servants (Photo: Edita Nichols)